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Collogue:Scots unthirldom

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Hi, forgive my lack of knowledge about Scots. I'm wondering if there's any pejorative sense to unthirldom (independence), since the English translation following etymology would be unthralldom, i.e. "not slavery".

I'm not suggesting thirldom means anything like "slavery", since etymology is often highly misleading. However, that's all I have to work with here; I guess I'm by experience suspicious of POV in the language of a political party. Thanks, --Saforrest 23:33, 13 Julie 2005 (UTC)[Replie]

Nevermind, after a bit more reading, it's clear this is the accepted Scots term. --Saforrest 00:04, 14 Julie 2005 (UTC)[Replie]

There's no pejorative sense. The word is the sort of invented literary term that's barely used in conversation. "Thirl" is used conversationally a bit more but again without the pejorative connotations of "thrall". -- Derek Ross 16:46, 14 Julie 2005 (UTC)[Replie]

We like Still Game

Is that acause its easier tae shuit?

Hi, I don't really speak Scots, so I feel a little reticent about offering my two cents. I've done some reading and it seems that this word was coined by the SNP, and I'm not sure that they're an accepted authority for Scottish neologisms (no political bias intended, but it's not a linguistic organisation) particularly as I've not heard the word 'unthirldom' in conversation. Xerxes b (talk) 15:00, 13 Julie 2012 (UTC)[Replie]

Mair liker it wis cleckit by a body pittin something ower in tae Scots for the SNP raither nor the SNP itsel. Naetheless, e'en in Ingles, mony leeterar wirds isna aften heard whan fowk caws the crack. Jimmy (talk) 17:32, 13 Julie 2012 (UTC)[Replie]