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Collogue:Saunt Andra

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Andra is spelt wrang awthro this airticle an its teetle -- an ithers that mention him forby. It needs fixed. -- Derek Ross | News 16:42, 23 November 2007 (UTC)[replie]

Hmmm. A micht be wrang on this. A'll haud aff till A've daen a bit mair research. -- Derek Ross | News 16:58, 23 November 2007 (UTC)[replie]

No, it isnae wrang, I uised "Andro" on purpose. There is twa-thrie reasons fer this, the heidmaist o whilk is that "Andro" is the spellin uised bi Lorimer an it was luik glaikit tae uise ae spellin in the airticle an anithir in the quotation. Seicont, it is surely the maist common "Scots" renderin o this Greek name - Andro Kennedy, bein ae exemplar frae historie, ma brithir is anither. - Duncan Sneddon

Andra is the modren affcome o the auncient Andro sin we nae langer bide in the meedle ages mebbes we shoud gang for the modren form in airticles. O coorse lea'in quotes as in the oreeginal.

Juist acause its auld-farrant disnae mean its wrang. Efter aw - uisin sic "modrenisations" as "oo" raither nor "ou", "aa" raither nor "aw" an "A/Ah/Eh" raither nor "I" juist maks divisions wiout haein historical precedent. It isnae a case o auld farrant/ neoglism or o deliberately uisin archaisms (efter aw, it cannae be aw that archaic gin his brithir is cawd "Andro".

Here is a sermon frae 1976 whilk uises "Andro" aw throu it - Clickity click. An is "Andra" no a lassie's name onieway?
"Andra" is juist a loon's name. A've nivver met a Scots quine cried that. Mebbe ye're thinkin o "Andrea". -- Derek Ross | News 22:59, 24 November 2007 (UTC)[replie]

Haes onieane got a source fer threapin that "Andra" is mair modren nor "Andro"? Bear in mind that Lorimer aye uises "Andro" an his owersettin is oniethin bot auld-farrant. - Duncan Sneddon

It's nae a maiter o soorces, Duncan. It's a maiter o spikkin wi ither Scots spikkers. We aw sey "Andra" tae ane anither. That's fit wey A wis surprised tae see Lorimer uisin "Andro". Still, A'll hae a rake aboot. -- Derek Ross | News 20:04, 25 November 2007 (UTC)[replie]

Andra. Merk the hintmaist line The O.Sc. form is freq. found as Andro. 15:53, 26 November 2007 (UTC)[replie]

Hmm athoot wantin tae be annoyin aboot this A'v ne'er been cried "Andra" or "Andro" bi onie Scots-speakers, e'en gey auld anes. "Andy" sometimes but for normal it's juist "Andrew". Mibbes that's juist deferrin tae ma preference an ma parent's preferences aboot whit tae caw me tho. Mendor (or Andrew, even) 17:06, 26 November 2007 (UTC)[replie]

Ah've heard "Andra", bit aye, it's no common the day. This is a bittie like "Embra"/"Embro". Ah hink there wis mibbies a vowel shift, cos a fair few aulder texts say "Embro", bit these aabody says "Embra". Bazza 17:25, 26 November 2007 (UTC)[replie]

Ma brithir is spelled "Andro" but its said the same as "Andrew". - Duncan Sneddon