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The pages in this category are ettelt tae be maintenance templates.
Forder template category notes |
This category conteens pages in the template namespace. It shoud no be uised tae categorise airticles or pages in ither namespaces. | Tae add a template tae this category:
- If the template haes a separate documentation page (for common cried "Template:template name/doc"), add
- [[Category:Language maintenance templates]]
- tae the <includeonly> section at the bottom o that page. Itherweys, add
- <noinclude>[[Category:Language maintenance templates]]</noinclude>
- tae the end o the template code, makin siccar it stairts on the same line as the code's last chairacter.
This categerie juist haes the follaein subcategerie.
Airticles in category "Language maintenance templates"
The follaein 3 pages is in this categerie, oot o 3 awthegither.