Balgay Hill

Balgay Hill is a pairk in Dundee in the wast o the city. At the tap o Balgay Hill is a biggin cryed the Mills Observatory, whaur fowk can see the nicht sky and lairn aboot the plainets. The Mills Observatory is the auldest observatory biggit fir the public tae hae access tae.[1]
Balgay Hill his a cemetery cried the Western Cemetery an aa, an it wis layed oot by cievil ingineer William McKelvie. A wheen o fowk crys Balgay the ‘hully’. Fancy Jaikets worn tae funerals is tharefore kent in some airts as yer “hully coat”, cause thay ar the anes ye'd weir tae kistins on the hully. On ae side o the hull is Victoria Pairk, wi a bairns’ play pairk and tennis courts. On the ither side o the hull is Lochee Pairk, wi big fitbaa pairks and space for muckle events, like Bonfire Nicht.
History o Balgay
[eedit | eedit soorce]A 1729 plan shaws a biggin cryed Balgay Hoos besooth Balgay Hill. Thon hoos is noo pairt o the Royal Victoria Hospital. Balgay Hill and Victoria Park opened up tae Dundee fowk in 1870. A brig and baundstaund wis pitten up in 1877.
The White Lady o Balgay Brig
[eedit | eedit soorce]Thare's a gaist that is sayed tae bide doon by the Balgay Brig. A lot o fowk thinks thay kent hou the White Lady o Balgay Brig cam tae be a gaist, but naebody kens for shuir. Ae story is that twa boys ridin ower the brig on thair bicycles cam ower a dowie wifie that wheeched hersel ower the side. The nicht efter thon, the boys rade ower the brig again, and seen a glowin wicht; the gaist haed come intae bein. Ae ither story is that a wifie that wis gaen ower the brig wis shuved aff fae a carlin. Nae maiter whaur the story cam fae, fowk the day still sees the White Lady or hear her skraich, and Dundee fowk aye kens tae no win ower the brig at nicht.
[eedit | eedit soorce]- ↑ Community Information, Central Library. "Welcome to Mills Observatory". (in English). Retrieved 25 Februar 2021.CS1 maint: unrecognised leid (link)