Winter Pailace
(Reguidit frae Winter Palace)

The Winter Pailace (Roushie: Зи́мний дворе́ц) in Saunt Petersburg, Roushie, wis, frae 1732 tae 1917, the offeecial residence o the Roushie monarchs.
- Hooses completit in 1837
- Pailaces in Saunt Petersburg
- Ryal residences in Roushie
- Roushie Proveesional Govrenment
- Airt gailery destricts
- Hermitage Museum
- Pailace Square
- Baroque airchitectur in Roushie
- Baroque pailaces
- 1905 Roushie Revolution
- Roushie Revolution
- Warld Heritage Steids in Roushie
- Pailaces in Roushie
- Museums in Saunt Petersburg