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Hughenden Stadium

Frae Wikipedia, the free beuk o knawledge
(Reguidit frae Hughenden)

Hughenden is a rugby pairk, the hame o Hillheid/Jordanhill an Glesca Rugby blaws a capacity o five an a hauf thoosand. It is in the Wast End o Glesca.

Airts tae Hughenden fae Glesca ceety mids

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Laich-level trein tae Hyndland Gang caurie oot o the station up tae the tap o Novar Drive. Gang caurie alang Hyndland Road an Hughenden is the caurie turn directly afore the tennis club.


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Mony omnibuses gang alang Great Western Road (whit is alangside the pairk). Wheen o whit are 11, 20, 41 an 66. Git aff the omnibus at the stap immediately afore seicont traffec lunts efter the Botanic Gardens junction. Gang caurie intae Hyndland Road an doremaist richt doon loan tae Hughenden Road an rugby pairk. The 44 omnibus gangs fae the ceety mids to Hyndland Road an aw - git aff at the stap juist efter the Rock pub.

Fae ootside o Glesca

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Gin you're traivelling by caur fae the north or east tak the M8 to Glesca an ootgate fae junction 17, sign-posted for Dumbarton. At the end o the slip road, gang richt at the traffec lunts an tak the flyower back ower the motorway. Follae this gate (Great Western Road) for roond aboot 3 km. Weir in the Botanic Gardens on your richt an gang straicht yont the neist set of traffec lunts. Gang caurie at the follaein set o traffec lunts intae Hyndland Road, an first richt efter the tennis club.

By caur fae the sooth or wast

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Tak the M8 to Glesca, cross the Kingston Bridge an ootgang fae Junction 18 sign-posted for Dumbarton. At the end o the slip road, gang richt at the traffec lunts an tak the flyower back across the motorway. Follae this road (Great Western Road) for roond aboot 3 km. Pass the Botanic Gardens on your richt an gang straicht through the neist set o traffec lunts. Gang caurie at the follaeing set o traffec lunts intae Hyndland Road, then first richt efter the tennis club.

Coordinates: 55°52′54″N 4°18′28″W / 55.88167°N 4.30778°W / 55.88167; -4.30778