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European Convention on Human Richts

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European Convention on Human Richts
The Convention fur the Protection o Human Richts an Fundamental Freedoms
Parties tae the convention
Signed4 November 1950
Effective3 September 1953
Pairties47 Cooncil o Europe member states
DepositaryCooncil o Europe Secretar-General
LeidsIngles an French
European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms at Wikisource
Ukrainian stamp, commemorating 60 yeir o the Convention

The European Convention on Human Richts (formal-like the Convention fur the Protection o Human Richts an Fundamental Freedoms) is an international convention tae protect human richts an political freedoms in Europe. Draftit in 1950 bi the then new-formit Cooncil o Europe,[1] the convention enterit intae force on 3 September 1953. Aw Cooncil o Europe member states are pairty tae the convention an new members are expectit tae ratify the convention at the earliest opportunity.[2]

The Convention establishit the European Coort o Human Richts (ECHR). Any bodie thit feels thair richts have bin violatit unner the Convention bi a state pairty can tak a case tae the coort. Judgements findin violations are bindin on the states concernit an thay are obligit tae execute them. The Committee o Ministers o the Cooncil o Europe monitors the execution o judgements, particular-like tae ensure doss o the amounts awardit bi the coort tae the applicants in compensation fur the damage thay have sustainit.[3]

The Convention has several protocols, which amend the convention framework. It's haed a significant influence on the law in Cooncil o Europe member kintras[4] and is wide considered the maist feckfu international treaty fur human richts protection.[5][6]


[eedit | eedit soorce]
  1. The Cooncil o Europe shouldnae be confused wi the Cooncil o the European Union or the European Cooncil.
  2. Resolution 1031 (1994) on the honouring of commitments entered into by member states when joining the Council of Europe Archived 10 Januar 2010 at the Wayback Machine.
  3. In their dissident opinions in the case Nikolova, judges Greve an Giovanni Bonello expressed preference fur symbolic doss ("token") ower moral doss Buonomo, Giampiero (2002). "Caso Craxi: non-c'è spazio per complotti ma le norme processuali valgono una condanna all'Italia". Diritto&Giustizia Edizione Online (in Italian). Archived frae the original on 1 August 2012. Retrieved 6 October 2020.
  4. Andreadakis, S. (2013). "The European Convention on Human Rights, the EU and the UK: Confronting a Heresy: A Reply to Andrew Williams". European Journal of International Law (in Inglis). 24 (4): 1187–1193. doi:10.1093/ejil/cht063. Five decades later, it is undisputed that the ECHR has been successful in carrying out its mission, judging from its influence on the laws and social realities of the contracting parties, the extensive jurisprudence in the field of the protection of human rights, as well as the remarkable compliance with the ECtHR's judgments.
  5. European Convention on Human Rights Guide for the Civil & Public Service (PDF) (Report) (in Inglis). Irish Human Rights Commission. 2012. ISBN 978-0-9569820-7-0.
  6. Helfer, Lawrence R. (1993). "Consensus, Coherence and the European Convention on Human Rights". Cornell International Law Journal (in Inglis). 26: 133.