Uiser:Andreas/James Fenton

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James "Jim" Fenton (5 Juin 1931 – 3 Februar 2021) wis a Ulster Scots linguist an poet. He wrat his poesie in Ulster Scots an haes been cried the "greatest exponent" o the leid.[1]

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James Fenton wis born in Juin o 1931.[1] Fir the first 18 year o his life he bade on his faither's fairm in the tounlans o Drumadarragh an Belnaloob (Ing. Ballinaloob; baith in Killagan Parish) in a rural pairt o Coontie Antrim whaur a great feck o fowk speaks Ulster Scots.[2]

References[eedit | eedit soorce]

  1. a b "James Fenton: Ulster-Scots poet dies aged 89". BBC News (in Inglis). 3 Februar 2021. Retrieved 4 Februar 2021.
  2. "James Fenton". The Ulster-Scots Language Society. Retrieved 4 Februar 2021./