Collogue:Barnes & Noble

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A rowp is an auction.

a fordel isna a shop.

beukfordels is meaninless

kemprif is meaninless.

maistcofft beuks is A jalouse bestsellers, maist coft wad mean the maist bocht.

Ma dictionar says a fordel is a store (Hippocrene Practical Dictionary, compiled by David Ross & Gavin D. Smith) sae A jalouse that it's a wird. Beukfordel wid be an rax o it. An a dinnae ken whae tae say "competitive" say A raxit kemp - ye can chynge that. An Bestsellers are maist aft bocht, sae a dinnae see why A canna uise Maistcofft. Sae please lat ma spellin abee, ye can make yer ain airticle gin ye want, jyst lat thaim abee. Nou Uiserr

fordel is a 'store' but in the sense o 'a reserve supply' no a shop. [1]]
best is a guid Scots wird an sell is an aw, sae beuks that sells best wad be bestsellers.
compete, competeetion, competitive.
See yersel a copy o the Concise Scots Dictionary (CSD) [2]
Am no efter pittin ye aff but gin fowk canna lift whit ye'v written whit's the pynt?

A guess yer richt aboot that, an all chynge fordel, an the ithers but A still think that maistcoft is unnerstaundable.

larachit disna mean ocht [3]. Try situate.