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Gibson's Law

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(Reguidit frae Gibson's law)

Gibson's Law, efter Mel Gibson, descrives the uiss o references tae Braveheart or the battle o Banockburn by Unionists an jurnalists in discussions or airticles aboot Scots independence. Gibson's Law for ordinar kythes wi the inference that mony Scots juist wants independence acause thay are gullible an easily influenced by a Hollywood pictur epitomizin a romanticised bygane, raither nor a passion for a futur in a walthier, halthier, greener, fairer an better Scotland. Forby thon, Gibson's Law applees tae ony online discussion - whether mailing lists, message buirds, forums, chat rooms, blog comment threids, or wiki talk pages. The uiss o references tae Braveheart or the battle o Banockburn by thaim that maks thaim shaws that thay hae tint the plot o the argiement thay are ettlin at makkin in a seemilar wey tae Godwin's Law.

Whether or no Gibson's law applees tae mentions o Chicken Run[1] is a maiter o ongaun debate.

Anither Gibson's law hauds that "For every PhD there is an equal and opposite PhD." The term speceefically refers tae the conflict atween testimony o expert witnesses cawed by opposin pairties in a trial unner an adversarial seestem o juistice. Forby thon, it is appleed tae conflictin scienteefic opeenion injectit intae policy deceesions by interestit pairties creatin a controversy for tae propale thair ain interests.


[eedit | eedit soorce]
  1. "Cameron hurls "Chicken Run" jibe at Scottish leader". Archived frae the original on 29 Apryle 2012. Retrieved 20 Julie 2013.