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sco This uiser haes Scots as a mither tung.

Ah'm fae Aiberdeenshire an spick Doric weel, bit hae a braider kennin o the Scots leid an will ettle tae screeve in a Scots fae the sooth o Scotlan an nae ma mither tongue.

As weel as kennin Scots ah hae a guid grasp o Inglis an am near eneuch fluent in Frainch. Ah've daen a Masters Degree an a Doctorate in Engineering sae ah'm nae feart tae screeve or pruif-read muckle pages.

Ane o ma interests is pittin thegither a pan-dialectical orthography for Scots that is diphonologic (certain groups o letters that sam fowk say ane wye an ithers say anither) an can be uised by awbody in Scotland. Fir me, ah cannae thole haein tae gie up the wye ah spick tae screeve in Scots... Ah micht as weel screeve in Inglis! That's whit wye ah'm efter a better orthography whaur ah dinnae hae tae soon like a Glaswegian whan ah'm actually fae Aiberdeenshire.

Ah'm a chiel wi nae muckle time tae gie - bit ah will see whit ah can muster.