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Pussy, Savoie

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Pussy (French pronunciation: ​[pysi]) is a wee village in the commune o la Léchère in the Savoie département o France. It's situated oan the eastern brae o Mont Bellachat aboon the left bank o the Isère, nine km northwast o Moûtiers. The name derives fae the Roman personal name pussius, whilk refers tae the gaffer o the steid in the Roman era.

The village boundary covers 18 km². The local kirk, dedicated tae John the Baptist, wis rebuilt in 1669. In 1561 the population wis recorded as 1455 fowk, 548 in 1776, an 276 in 1979. Fud an loads ither wee villages wur merged intae the la Léchère commune fur administrative purposes in 1972.