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Nielsen Dens pronunciation: [ˈnelsn], is a Dens patronymic surname, literally meanin son o Niels, Niels bein the Dens version o the Greek male gien name Νικόλαος, Nikolaos (cf. Nicholas). It is the seicont maist common surname in Denmark, shared bi aboot 5% o the population[1]. It is an aa uised in Norrowey, awtho the form Nilsen is mair common[2]. In Swaden the parallel form is Nilsson. Nielsen is an aa in uise in the Faroe Islands. The frequent occurrences o Nielsen as a surname ootside Denmark[3] is due tae emigration. Immigrants tae Inglis-speakin kintras aften chynged the spellin tae Nielson, Nelsen, Nelson or Neilson.

References[eedit | eedit soorce]

  1. [1] Statistics Denmark
  2. [2] Statistics Norway
  3. "University of Copenhagen - Name Research Section". Archived frae the original on 24 December 2013. Retrieved 1 December 2010.