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Jableh Destrict

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Jableh Destrict (Arabic: منطقة جبلة‎ / ALA-LC: Minṭaqat Jablah) is a destrict (mantiqah) o the Latakia Govrenorate in Sirie. At the 2004 Census it haed a population o 196,171.[1] The centre o the destrict is the ceety o Jableh.

Latakia an the surroondin destricts became a separate autonomous state unner a Mandate gien tae Fraunce bi the League o Naitions an remained sae for twa year till its incorporation intae the lairger, French Mandate o Sirie in 1923. It wis kent intermittently as the "Alawite State" efter its majority o indwallers, who happen tae be Alawites.

Agricultur haes remained the maist important economic sector in the province, wi citrus fruits, aiples, an olives bein the main cash crops. Tourism maistly frae the Persie Guwf States is a major soorce o income for the indwallers durin the simmer saison an aw.

Diveesions[eedit | eedit soorce]

The destrict o Jableh is dividit intae sax sub-destricts or Nāḥiyas (population accordin tae 2004 offeecial census):

  • Jableh nahiyah (ناحية جبلة): population 107,064.[2]
  • Ayn al-Sharqiyah nahiyah (ناحية عين الشرقية): population 16,800.[3]
  • Al-Qutailibiyah nahiyah (ناحية القطيلبية): population 32,582.[4]
  • Ayn Shiqaq nahiyah (ناحية عين شقاق): population 16,031.[5]
  • Daliyah nahiyah (ناحية دالية): population 13,608.[6]
  • Beit Yashout nahiyah (ناحية بيت ياشوط): population 10,086.[7]

References[eedit | eedit soorce]

  1. "2004 official census" (PDF). Archived frae the original (PDF) on 10 Mairch 2013. Retrieved 13 October 2012.
  2. "Jableh nahiyah population". Cbssyr.org. Archived frae the original on 16 December 2019. Retrieved 20 Juin 2012.
  3. "Ayn al-Sharqiyah nahiyah population". Cbssyr.org. Archived frae the original on 10 Januar 2020. Retrieved 20 Juin 2012.
  4. "Qutailbiyah nahiyah population". Cbssyr.org. Archived frae the original on 17 December 2019. Retrieved 20 Juin 2012.
  5. "Ayn Shqaq nahiyah population". Cbssyr.org. Retrieved 20 Juin 2012.
  6. "Daliyah nahiyah population". Cbssyr.org. Archived frae the original on 15 December 2019. Retrieved 20 Juin 2012.
  7. "Beit Yashut nahiyah population". Cbssyr.org. Archived frae the original on 12 Januar 2013. Retrieved 20 Juin 2012.