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Emblem o Algerie

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The Naitional Emblem o Algerie (Arabic: شعار الجزائر الوطني‎) is the seal uised bi the govrenment, as ither states uise coats o airms. The current form o the emblem wis adoptit in 1976, but wis ae differentiatit frae previous ane bi the chyngin o the motto frae French tae Arabic. Contained on the emblem is the crescent that is an aa foond on the banner o Algerie, an is a seembol o Islam. The text that rings the emblem says in Arabic: الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية ("The People's Democratic Republic of Algeria", the kintra's offeecial name).

The hand o Fatima, a traditional seembol o the region, appears in front o the Atlas Muntains, belaw a risin sun representin a new era. Biggins staund for industry an plants for agricultur.

Historic coats o airms an emblems[eedit | eedit soorce]

Freemit airtins[eedit | eedit soorce]