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Scots[eedit soorce]

Paintin o a body grallochin a deer.

Etymologie[eedit soorce]

Frae Scots Gaelic greallach (the harigals o a deer).

Verb[eedit soorce]

gralloch (third-person singular simple present grallochs, present participle grallochin, simple past an past participle gralloched, grallocht)

[1] (transitive) tae tak the harigals out o a deid deer[1]
A hand's as easy to cut as a finger for a man who has gralloched deer with a keen sgian-dubh.
Neil Munro: The Red Hand[2]
[2] (transitive, figurative) tae sheuch intil or tuim the intimmers out o a thin[3]
The education committee report was always going to be the big one. Now it's out and ministers didn't entirely escape criticism. The HMI was, at last, deemed partly culpable. The SQA was predictably gralloched.
— The Herald (Scotland), December 9t 2000.[4]
But I'm going to call up another man who I know can also dae it, he's Alan Siller, he's grallocht the haggis the nicht already
— Charles Birnie, 1994, Allan's Hill Age Concern Burns Night transcript[5]

Conjugation[eedit soorce]

Conjugation o gralloch
Infinite forms
infinitive (fir tae) gralloch
present participle grallochin
past participle gralloched, grallocht
Finite forms
  simple present narrative present simple past
first-person singular A gralloch, grallochs[N 1] grallochs gralloched, grallocht
seicont-person singular ye/you
seicont-person sg. intimate[N 2] du/thoo grallochs
third-person singular he/she/(h)it grallochs
first-person plural we gralloch, grallochs[N 1]
seicont-person plural yese/youse
seicont-person pl. collective[N 3] awyese/awyouse
third-person plural thay gralloch, grallochs[N 1]
  1. a b c Gin the Northern Subject Rule is uised.
  2. Intimate form uised in Shetland (du) an Orkney (thoo).
  3. Awyese/awyouse is fur whan ye'r referin tae a hale collective o fowk insteid o multiple fowk individual-like.
    For exemple, askin "Are yese awa?" will gie ye different repones fae different fowk, whaur "Are awyese awa?" will git ye ae repone fae somebody representin 'e hale boorach.

In ither leids[eedit soorce]

  • Scots Gaelic: greallach
  • German: etw. aufbrechen
  • Inglis: eviscerate, disembowel
  • Italian: sventrare

References[eedit soorce]

  1. "Dictionary of the Scots Language:: SND :: gralloch". Retrieved 4 December 2020.
  2. Munro, Neil (1896). "The Red Hand". The Lost Pibroch. W. Blackwood and Sons.
  3. "Dictionary of the Scots Language:: SND :: sndns1824". Retrieved 4 December 2020.
  4. "Dictionary of the Scots Language:: SND :: sndns1824". Retrieved 4 December 2020.
  5. "NEFA - Banff and Buchan Collection - Tape transcription". www.nefa.net. Retrieved 4 December 2020.