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Scots[eedit soorce]

Verb[eedit soorce]

doof (third-person singular simple present doofs, present participle doofin, simple past an past participle doofed, dooft)

[1] (transitive) an (intransitive) tae ding wi somethin saft, tae dunt, tae scone, tae stot (aff o)[1]
A juist flung ma bottle o ginger, an as fortune had it, A dooft it right aff his dome.
— Gordon Bellford (Robert Florence) Burnistoun (Series 1, Episode 1)[2]
She gave me one across the snoot / She dowfed me ower to Miss M'Phee, / Wha dowfed me back to Bell again.
- A Played Yestreen A Pretty Ploy [poem], Elgin Courant and Morayshire Advertiser, Juin 18t 1869[3]

Conjugation[eedit soorce]

Conjugation o doof
Infinite forms
infinitive (fir tae) doof
present participle doofin
past participle doofed, dooft
Finite forms
  simple present narrative present simple past
first-person singular A doof, doofs[N 1] doofs doofed, dooft
seicont-person singular ye/you
seicont-person sg. intimate[N 2] du/thoo doofs
third-person singular he/she/(h)it doofs
first-person plural we doof, doofs[N 1]
seicont-person plural yese/youse
seicont-person pl. collective[N 3] awyese/awyouse
third-person plural thay doof, doofs[N 1]
  1. a b c Gin the Northern Subject Rule is uised.
  2. Intimate form uised in Shetland (du) an Orkney (thoo).
  3. Awyese/awyouse is fur whan ye'r referin tae a hale collective o fowk insteid o multiple fowk individual-like.
    For exemple, askin "Are yese awa?" will gie ye different repones fae different fowk, whaur "Are awyese awa?" will git ye ae repone fae somebody representin 'e hale boorach.

References[eedit soorce]

  1. "Dictionary of the Scots Language:: SND :: dowf". Retrieved 6 December 2020.
  2. "Burnistoun - Bottle of Ginger" (video). www.bbc.co.uk. 2 Juin 2011. Retrieved 6 December 2020.
  3. "La Teste" (18 Juin 1869). "I Played Yestreen a Pretty Ploy". Elgin Courant, and Morayshire Advertiser. Retrieved 6 December 2020.