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The Scots Language Centre wabsteid gies Uplso as the Scots name for Oslo. Anyone disagree wi flittin? Scroggie 21:31, 15 Mairch 2009 (UTC)[Replie]

Ony ither soorces apairt frae that ane? Weel apairt frae this ane frae 1592 or this ane. It seems tae be as English as it is Scots[1]. Need mair tae convince me that it's nocht mair nor an auld-farrant name. Jimmy 11:27, 16 Mairch 2009 (UTC)[Replie]
Aye. A wad sey the phonetic 'Osla' wis mair richt-like than 'Upslo', ae noo. -- Derek Ross | News 03:29, 17 Mairch 2009 (UTC)[Replie]