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Barony A Frame

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Barony A Frame

The Barony A Frame is a hained umwhile pit-heid frame in East Ayrshire, Scotland, locate 2 kilometre (1.2 mi) wastlins o Auchinleck. It wis biggit in 1954 as pairt o the Barony Colliery, that first sank a pit in 1907.[1]

The colliery wis shutten doun in 1989, an in 1990 the gig-house, generatin station, waste-water warks, an the pit-heid frame, war aa gart leetit biggins, in category B .

It is anely ensample o that ilk in Britain the day, an wis restorit in 2007 bi the Barony A Frame Trust. Mair nor £1,000,000 wis ware't out on replenishin the pit-heid frame—the monies war hentit frae the likes o Historic Scotland an the Heritage Lottery Fund. Charles, Prince o Wales sned the openin baund frae the A-frame in January 2008.[1]

References[eedit | eedit soorce]

  1. a b "Barony A-Frame". Gazetteer for Scotland. Retrieved 22 Mey 2012.

Airtins outwith[eedit | eedit soorce]