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Damia Vergnet
Damia Vergnet
Administrator of the French Wiktionary
Member of the Toulouse wikimedian group

About me

Hello, I’m Danÿa (pronouns: she/her), one of the administrators and modules/gadgets developper of the French Wiktionary. Very fond of linguistics, I’m really interested by phonetics/phonology (IPA ❤).

I live in Toulouse, Occitania, France.

My work

I’m mainly active on the French Wiktionary, where I develop and maintain modules and gadgets along with more “conventional” contribution.

Contact me

My talk page on Meta

User language
fr-N Cette utilisatrice a pour langue maternelle le français.
en-4 This user has near native speaker knowledge of English.
eo-2 Ĉi tiu uzanto havas meznivelan scion de Esperanto.
Users by language