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Tila Tequila

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Tila Tequila
Tequila attendin the Mosci fashion show at Club AREA, West Hollywood, Californie in October 2008.
BornThien Thanh Thi Nguyen[1]
(1981-10-24) 24 October 1981 (age 43)
Ither namesMiss Tila
  • Model
  • television personality
  • sangster
  • sangwriter
  • actress
  • writer
  • blogger
Years active2001–present
Hame tounHouston, Texas, Unitit States
Pairtner(s)Casey Johnson (2007–10)
Muisical career

Thien Thanh Thi Nguyen[1] (born 24 October 1981), better kent bi her stage names Tila Tequila, Tila Nguyen an Miss Tila, is an American model, telly personality, sangster, sangwriter, actress, writer an blogger, who later on in her career, efter acceptin the fact that her career wis on a downward spiral, turned to hardcore pornography in efforts to save it. She first gained recogneetion for her active presence on social netwirkin wabsteids. Efter becomin the maist popular person on Myspace,[2] Tequila wis affered tae starn in her awn reality telly series. Her bisexual-themit datin shaw, A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila (2007), aired for twa series an became MTV's seicont heichest-ratit series premiere o that year.

Born in Singapore an raised in Houston, Texas, Tequila muivit tae Los Angeles in 2001 tae pursue her modelin career. Efter bein featurt in numerous men's magazines (includin Playboy, Stuff an Maxim), she made her reality telly debut on the VH1 shaw Surviving Nugent (2003).

Besides her career in modelin an telly, Tequila pursued her career as a recordin airtist an author an aw. She wis the lead sangster o the baunds Beyond Betty Jean an Jealousy, afore launchin a solo career. Her debut single "I Love U" wis released in 2007 tae mixed reviews. Despite haein strang online sales, the sang failed tae enter ony chairts. Tequila follaeed wi several independently released singles, includin "Stripper Friends" an "Paralyze". In 2010, she released her seicont EP Welcome to the Dark Side. Her beuk, Hooking Up With Tila Tequila: A Guide to Love, Fame, Happiness, Success, and Being the Life of the Party wis published in 2008.


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  1. a b Kaufman, Gil (13 April 2009). "Tila Tequila Hit By Death Hoax On Twitter" Archived 2021-11-10 at the Wayback Machine. MTV. Viacom Media Networks. Retrieved 29 June 2015.
  2. Weiner, Jonah (11 Apryle 2006). "Tila Tequila, the first star of MySpace". Slate. Retrieved 14 Januar 2009.

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