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St Andrews Links

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Looking up the 18t fairway on the Old Course tae the clubhoose wi the kenspeckle wee brig ower the Swilcan Burn in the mids.

St Andras Links in the toun o St Andras, Fife, Scotland, is regairdit as the 'hame of gowf'. It is ane o the auldest coorses in the warld, an whaur the gemm haes been played syne the 15t century. Nouadays, thare seiven public gowf coorses; the Balgove, Eden, Jubilee Course, Strathtyrum, New, the Old Course (that is wide-like thocht o ane o the brawest, an certainly the maist kenspeckle an tradeetional, coorses in the warld), an the new Castle Course, locatit on the craigs a mile eastwarts o St Andras an designit bi the architect David McLay Kidd, an that opent in Juin 2008.[1]

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Template:World Heritage Site 'Tentative List' applicants in Scotland Template:St Andrews Coordinates: 56°21′06″N 2°49′05″W / 56.35167°N 2.81806°W / 56.35167; -2.81806