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Plurality (votin)

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A plurality vote (in North Americae) or relative majority (in the Unitit Kinrick) describes the circumstance when a candidate or proposition polls more votes than any other, but does not receive a majority.[1] For example, if 100 votes were cast, including 45 for Candidate A, 30 for Candidate B and 25 for Candidate C, then Candidate A received a plurality of votes but not a majority. In some votes, the winning candidate or proposition may have only a plurality, depending on the rules of the organization holding the vote.[2]


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  1. Editors. "plurality". Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Retrieved 29 December 2015. a number of votes that is more than the number of votes for any other candidate or party but that is not more than half of the total number of votesCS1 maint: extra text: authors leet (link)
  2. Robert, Henry M. III; Honemann, Daniel H.; Balch, Thomas J. (2011). Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised (11 ed.). Da Capo Press. p. 816. ISBN 9780306820212.