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Leet o Warld Heritage Steids in Indonesie

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The UNESCO (Unitit Naitions Eddicational, Scienteefic an Cultural Organization) haes designatit nine Warld Heritage Steids in Indonesie.[1][2]

Selection is based on ten criteria: sax for cultural heritage (i–vi) an fower for naitural heritage (vii–x).[3] Some steids, designatit "mixed steids," represent baith cultural an naitural heritage. In Indonesie, thare are 5 cultural, 4 naitural, an nae mixed steids.[1][4]

The Warld Heritage Committee mey awso specify that a steid is endangered, citin "condeetions which threaten the very characteristics for which a property wis inscribit on the Warld Heritage Leet." Tropical Rainforest Heritage o Sumatra. A nummer o organisations hae been pushin the Meenistry o Cultur tae nominate mair steid for UNESCO inclusion syne 2015. Neighbours Philippines, Singapore, an Indie hae been supportive o Indonesie's nominations in UNESCO, alang wi ither ASEAN peers.

Steid; named efter the Warld Heritage Committee's offeecial designation[5]
Location; at ceety, regional, or provincial level an geocoordinates
Criteria; as defined bi the Warld Heritage Committee[3]
Aurie; in hectares and acres. If available, the size o the buffer zone haes been notit as weel. A value o zero implies that nae data haes been published bi UNESCO
Year; during which the steid wis inscribit tae the Warld Heritage Leet
Descreeption; brief information aboot the steid, includin reasons for qualifyin as an endangered steid, if applicable

Warld Heritage Steids

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  † In danger
Steid Eemage Location Criteria Aurie
ha (acre)
Year Descreeption Refs
Borobudur Temple Compoonds A terraced pyramid lik structur wi a stupa on ta. Magelang Regency, Central Java
7°36′28″S 110°12′13″E / 7.60778°S 110.20361°E / -7.60778; 110.20361 (Borobudur Temple Compounds)
(i), (ii), (vi)
25.51 (63.0) 1991 This famous Buddhist temple, datin frae the 8t an 9t centuries, is locatit in central Java. It wis biggit in three tiers: a pyramidal base wi five concentric square terraces, the trunk o a cone wi three circular platforms an, at the tap, a monumental stupa. The walls an balustrades are decoratit wi fine law reliefs, covering a tot surface aurie of 2,500 m2. Aroond the circular platforms are 72 openwork stupas, each containing a statue o the Buddha. The monument wis restored wi UNESCO's help in the 1970s. 592[6]
Cultural Landscape o Bali Province: the Subak Seestems as a Manifestation o the Tri Hita Karana Philosophy Bali
8°20′0″S 115°0′0″E / 8.33333°S 115.00000°E / -8.33333; 115.00000 (Cultural Landscape of Bali Province)
(ii), (iii), (v), (vi)
19,520 (48,200) 2012 The cultural laundscape of Bali conseests of five rice terraces an thair watter temples that kiver 19,500 ha. The temples are the focus o a cooperative watter management seestem of canals an weirs, kent as subak, that dates back tae the 9t century. Included in the laundscape is the 18t-century Ryal Watter Temple of Pura Taman Ayun, the lairgest an maist impressive airchitectural edifice of its teep on the island. The subak reflects the philosophical concept of Tri Hita Karana, which brings thegither the realms o the spirit, the human warld an naitur. This philosophy wis born o the cultural exchynge atween Bali an Indie ower the past 2,000 years an haes shaped the laundscape of Bali. The subak seestem of democratic an egalitarian farming practices haes enabled the Balinese tae acome the maist prolific rice growers in the archipelago despite the challenge of supporting a dense population. 1194rev[7]
Komodo Naitional Pairk Wast Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara
8°33′S 119°29′E / 8.550°S 119.483°E / -8.550; 119.483 (Komodo National Park)
(vii), (x)
219,322 (541,960) 1991 Thir volcanic islands are inhabitit bi a population o aroond 5,700 giant lizards, whose appearance an aggressive behaviour hae led tae them bein cried 'Komodo dragons'. Thay exist nowhere else in the warld an are of great interest tae scientists studyin the theory of evolution. The rugged hillsides of dry savannah an pockets of thorny green vegetation contrast starkly wi the brilliant white sandy beaches an the blue waters surging ower coral. 609[8]
Lorentz Naitional Pairk A rocky moontain rig. Papua
4°45′S 137°50′E / 4.750°S 137.833°E / -4.750; 137.833 (Lorentz National Park)
(vii), (ix), (x)
2,350,000 (5,800,000) 1999 Lorentz Naitional Pairk (2.35 million ha) is the lairgest protectit aurie in Sooth-East Asie. It is the anelie protectit aurie in the warld tae incorporate a continuous, intact transect frae snowcap tae tropical marine environment, includin extensive lowland wetlands. Locatit at the meetin-pynt of twa colliding continental plates, the aurie haes a complex geology wi ongaein moontsin formation as well as major sculpting bi glaciation. The aurie contains fossil steids which provide evidence o the evolution of life on New Guinea, a heich level of endemism an the heichest level of biodiversity in the region. 955[9]
Prambanan Temple Compoonds Central Java and Special Region o Yogyakarta
7°45′8″S 110°29′30″E / 7.75222°S 110.49167°E / -7.75222; 110.49167 (Prambanan Temple Compounds)
(i), (iv)
1991 Built in the 10t century, this is the lairgest temple compound dedicated tae Shiva in Indonesia. Rising abuin the centre o the last of thir concentric squares are three temples decorated wi reliefs illustrating the epic o the Ramayana, dedicated tae the three great Hindu divinities (Shiva, Vishnu an Brahma) an three temples dedicated tae the ainimals who serve them. 642[10]
Ombilin Coal Minin Heritage o Sawahlunto Sawahlunto. Wast Sumatra
0°40′0″S 100°47′0″E / 0.66667°S 100.78333°E / -0.66667; 100.78333 (Ombilin Coal Mining Heritage of Sawahlunto)
268.18 (662.7) 2019 Built for the extraction, processing an transport of heich-quality coal in an inaccessible region of Sumatra, this industrial site wis developit bi the Netherlands’ colonial govrenment frae the late 19t tae the beginnin o the 20t century wi a workforce recruited frae the local population an supplemented bi convict labour frae Dutch-controlled auries. It comprises the minin site an company toun, coal storage facilities at the port of Emmahaven an the railwey network linking the mines tae the coastal facilities. The Ombilin Coal Minin Heritage wis biggit as an integrated seestem that enabled the efficient deep-bore extraction, processing, transport an shipment of coal. 6057[11]
Sangiran Early Man Steid Upper pairt o a petrified skull includin some teeth. Sragen Regency, Central Java
7°24′0″S 110°49′0″E / 7.40000°S 110.81667°E / -7.40000; 110.81667 (Sangiran Early Man Site)
(iii), (vi)
5,600 (14,000) 1996 Excavations here frae 1936 tae 1941 led tae the discovery o the first hominid fossil at this site. Later, 50 fossils of Meganthropus palaeo an Pithecanthropus erectus/Homo erectus war foond – hauf of aw the warld's kent hominid fossils. Inhabited for the past ane an a hauf million years, Sangiran is ane o the key sites for the understanding of human evolution. 593[12]
Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra Aceh, Jambi, an Lampung
2°30′S 101°30′E / 2.500°S 101.500°E / -2.500; 101.500 (Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra)
(vii), (ix), (x)
2,595,124 (6,412,690) 2004 The 2.5 million hectare Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra site comprises three national parks: Gunung Leuser National Pairk, Kerinci Seblat National Pairk an Bukit Barisan Selatan National Pairk. The site holds the greatest potential for lang-term conservation o the distinctive an diverse biota of Sumatra, includin mony endangered species. The pertected aurie is home tae an estimatit 10,000 plant species, includin 17 endemic genera; mair nor 200 mammal species; an some 580 bird species of which 465 are resident an 21 are endemic. O the mammal species, 22 are Asian, nae foond elsewhere in the archipelago an 15 are confined tae the Indonesian region, includin the endemic Sumatran orang-utan. The site provides biogeographic evidence o the evolution o the island. The site haes been listed as endangered syne 2011 due tae poaching, illegal logging, agricultural encroachment, an plans tae big roads. 1167[13][14]
Ujung Kulon Naitional Pairk Banten an Lampung
6°45′S 105°20′E / 6.750°S 105.333°E / -6.750; 105.333 (Ujung Kulon National Park)
(vii), (x)
78,525 (194,040) 1991 This national pairk, locatit in the extreme sooth-wastren tip of Java on the Sunda shelf, includes the Ujung Kulon peninsula an several offshore islands an encompasses the naitural reserve of Krakatoa. In addition tae its naitural beauty an geological interest – parteecularly for the study of inland volcanoes – it contains the lairgest remainin aurie of lowland rainforests in the Java plain. Several species of endangered plants an ainimals can be foond thare, the Javan rhinoceros bein the maist seriously unner threat. 608[15]

Tentative leet

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The follaein 19 steids are on the Tentative Leet for Indonesie, meanin that the govrenment intends tae consider thaim for nomination in the future:[16]

Site Image Location Criteria Aurie
ha (acre)
Year Description Refs
Bawomataluo Steid Omo Sebua means the big hoose. This is a traditional hoose frae South Nias. Sooth Nias Regency, Nias, North Sumatra
00°36′59″N 97°46′17″E / 0.61639°N 97.77139°E / 0.61639; 97.77139 (Bawomataluo)
(i), (iv), (vi)
5 ha 2009 The Bawomataluo dounset is locatit in the Bawomataluo Village, unner the Destrict of Teluk Dalam, in the South Nias Regency. The aurie covers ± 5 Hectares wi an altitude of 270 meters abuin sea level. This kampong is situated on the heichts o the hills an is relatively safe frae ony tsunami threats, despite haein a distance of anly 4 kilometers frae the seashore. Tae enter this housing complex, ane must gang throu a concrete stairway that resembles a terraced gravesite wi 7 steps in the first section an 70 steps in the seicont pairt. The houses face ilk ither wi a distance of 4 meters apart an in the middle o the complex, thare is a stone arrangement that is placed in an open space uised for ceremonial customs an rituals. In atween thir traditional houses, newly biggit houses hae been erected facing ilk ither in a straucht line frae the northwest tae the northeast. In the middle o the complex, thare is a row of houses parallel towards the southeast. Inside the complex, thare are 500 houses wi a population of 7,000 that conseests o 500 household heads. The Chief's or the King's hoose is locatit in the South West side an is the lairgest in the complex. Based on the genealogy/faimily tree o the community, it is stated that the designer o the houses wis King Laowo as the founder o the Kinrick of this region an are descendants o the Gomo faimily. Later on, the construction o the hoose wis finalized bi Saonigeho (Siliwu Gere) who wis the first generation o the Laowo faimily. Currently, the hoose is occupied bi the heirs frae the fowert generation o the Laowo faimily. The hoose is estimatit tae hae been biggit in the 18t century. 5463[17]
Betung Kerihun Naitional Pairk (Transborder Rainforest Heritage o Borneo)
Wast Kalimantan
0°40′0″N 112°15′0″E / 0.66667°N 112.25000°E / 0.66667; 112.25000 (Betung Kerihun National Park)
(viii), (ix), (x)
800,000 ha 2004 Betung Kerihun National Pairk locatit in Sub destrict of Embaloh Hulu, Embaloh Hilir an Putussibau, Destrict of Kapuas Hulu, Province of West Kalimantan. BKNP covers an aurie of 800,000 Ha. In general, the climate in BKNP exhibits a very heich rainfall, bein the teepical of wet inland Kalimantan. Flora Borneo, the richest o the Sunda islands floristically baith in terms of tot species richness an diversity (MacKinnon et al., 1996), haes a flora richness which includes baith Asian an Australian elements. Fauna Lik Borneo' fauna in general, BKNP's rich fauna is characteristically Asian in origin. It shares maist of its fauna wi the Asian mainland an the ither Sunda islands, but shares few species wi Sulawesi an the eastren islands which hae a somewhat different faunal composition. 1871[18]
Bunaken Naitional Pairk Bunaken National Marine Pairk, Manado, Indonesia. Manado, North Sulawesi
1°35′0″N 124°39′0″E / 1.58333°N 124.65000°E / 1.58333; 124.65000 (Bunaken National Park)
(vii), (viii), (ix), (x)
280,000 ha 2005 This pairt of North Sulawesi wis undergone multiple geologic stages. It is considered tae be a "young" continent of 5–24 million years of age which haes undergone explosive volcanism mair recently (1.5 tae 5 million years ago) which resulted in the volcanic tuff that characterizes the existin topography. Manado Tua is an inactive volcano formed in a classical cone shape wi a 27–45-ft slope. The island rises ower 600 m abuin sea level, the heichest elevation in the pairk. Bunaken Island haes volcanic origins wi a significant amount of uplifted fossil coral. At the wast an central pairt of Bunaken Island (71 m heich) thare is a flat plateau aboot 5Om abuin mean sea level (msl). Nain Island is a dome-shaped island, 139 m in heicht an wi a slope of 20–40 inches. Mantehage Island is relatively flat an seems tae be sinking intae the sea. The island haes extensive mangrove forest flats, partially separated bi saltwater channels. Siladen is a law-lying coral sand island wi no significant topography. Arakan-Wawontulap an Molas-Wori on the mainland of North Sulawesi are relatively flat auries at the base of volcanic hills. The pairk haes unique bathymetry which is an attraction for divers. The absence o a continental shelf in the northren pairt of North Sulawesi allows the coastal aurie o the pairk tae drop directly doun the continental slope. The sea depth atween the islands o the pairk is 200–1,840m deep. In the coral ecosystem alone, Bunaken National Pairk covers an aurie of 89,095 hectares. The lairger North Sulawesi aurie (possessing potential for future inclusion in this WH site) contains approximately 280,000 ha. The marine national pairk aurie is home tae thousands of different species of fish, coral, endangered marine mammals an reptiles, birds, molluscs an mangrove species. The Sanghie-Talaud island chain immediately tae the north o the national pairk aurie is equally diverse (440 species frae 52 sites in 2.3 million hectares). The uniqueness of Bunaken an the wider North Sulawesi aurie is its density of diversity in close proximity tae a growin an populous pairt of Indonesia. 2002[19]
Derawan Islands A quiet morning in Derawan Island, East Kalimantan. Berau Regency, East Kalimantan
2°15′0″N 118°25′0″E / 2.25000°N 118.41667°E / 2.25000; 118.41667 (Derawan Islands)
2005 Stretching ower 100 mile alang the coast of East Kalimantan, the Derawan island chain is ane o the maist biologically rich auries in aw of Indonesie. Here, watter frae the Berau River mixing wi the Sulawesi Sea creatit a unique seascape characterized bi a broad river delta leadin tae a scattered groupings of patch reefs, fringing reefs, an atolls. 2007[20]
Historical Ceety Centre o Yogyakarta Front hall of Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat. Special Region o Yogyakarta
7°48′03.8″S 110°21′53.3″E / 7.801056°S 110.364806°E / -7.801056; 110.364806 (Historical City Centre of Yogyakarta)
(i), (ii), (vi)
1260 ha 2017 The historical ceett of Yogyakarta is a traditional Javanese ceety foondit in 1756 bi Pangeran Mangkubumi or the first Sultan Hamengkubuwana as the centre o the Sultanate of Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat (henceforth: Kasultanan Yogyakarta). Distinct frae ither Javanese ceety, the ceety centre wis designed based on specific Javanese cosmology an philosophy as manifested in its location an plan. The location of Yogyakarta ceety wis deliberately chosen tae precisely reflect microcosmos, whauras the plan o the ceety centre wis drawn up based on the Javanese philosophy regarding the naitur of human destiny. Accordingly, every component o the historical ceety centre of Yogyakarta haes its ain philosophical meanin. 6206[21]
Kebun Raya Bogor Bogor Botanical Gardens Bogor, Wast Java
6°36′13.28″S 106°48′17.6″E / 6.6036889°S 106.804889°E / -6.6036889; 106.804889 (Kebun Raya Bogor)
(ii), (iv)
75.4 ha 2018 Kebun Raya Bogor or Bogor Botanic Gardens (BBG) is an ex situ conservation aurie locatit in the administrative aurie of Bogor City, West Java Province, Indonesia. Area of BBG wis 75.4 ha. Bogor Botanical Garden is at N 6º35‟32.78" S 6º36‟13.28" W 106º47‟36.72" E 106º48‟17.6". Bogor Botanic Gardens is ane o the plant conservation auries that became important evidence in the historical development of science in Indonesia. Thare are mair nor 24 research institutions on naitural sciences directly an directly established bi Bogor Botanic Gardens locatit in Buitenzorg/Bogor. In the beginnin the establishment of Bogor Botanic Gardens wis intendit as a place of acclimatization of plant species originating frae foreign countries that hae heich economic value. Nou, Bogor Botanic Gardens nae anly conserve the types of economic value, but conserve the species of plants that are rare, endemic, scienteefic value an hae the potential tae be developit frae the entire tropics forby. Collection of plants arranged in the form of blocks an grouped bi taxonomic an thematic classification pattern. 6353[22]
Muara Takus Compoond Steid Muara Takus Compoond Steid. Kampar Regency, Riau
0°20′20″N 100°38′24.62″E / 0.33889°N 100.6401722°E / 0.33889; 100.6401722 (Muara Takus Compound Site)
(i), (iv), (vi)
2009 Muara Takus Site is administratively unner the Muara Takus veelage, in the destrict of Koto Kampar XIII, which is situated in the Kampar regency of Riau province. The Kampar Kanan river divides Muara Takus intae twa regions. The river flowing northward forms a parabolic river bend. In the eastren side o the river, thare is a smaw river which is kent bi the local fowk as the Umpamo or Limpamo river. The headwaters of this smaw river is locatit in the swamp auries in the southeast of Muara Takus an this smaw river ends in the Kampar Kanan River. The estuary o the Umpamo or Limpamo river is situated exactly at the northernmost curve o the Kampar Kanan River. In the past, a human dounset wis situated at the inner side an northren side o the river bend, but mair specifically in the eastren side o the river. Houiver, due tae the hydro-power electricity plant development project, baith sub-veelage regions war relocatit tae a new location approximately 1.5 kilometres southwards o the umwhile dounset. 5464[23]
Muarajambi Temple Compoond Muarajambi Temple Compound. Muaro Jambi Regency, Jambi
1°24′0″S 103°2′0″E / 1.40000°S 103.03333°E / -1.40000; 103.03333 (Muarajambi Temple Compound)
(ii), (iii), (iv)
2062 ha 2009 The Muarajambi Temple Compound Site is locatit in the Muarajambi Village, in the Destrict of Maro Sebo, Muaro Jambi Regency, Jambi Province. Frae Jambi ceety, the site is less nor 40 kilometers an can be reached bi land transportation or throu the river in ane oor. The site is spread alang 7.5 kilometers o the riverbanks of Batanghari River in which auld canals or man-made rivers are poseetioned tae connect the Batanghari River wi the site. Throu thir auncient canals that circulate the site, fowk coud reach the temple compounds. In the Muarajambi Temple Compound Site that covers an aurie of 2062 hectares, thare war at least 82 ruins of auncient buildings made of brick construction. Seiven of thir auncient temples hae been gien intensive conservation treatment; meanwhile the remainin structures are covered wi primary an seicontar vegetation, an surroondit bi the local community plantation of Sumatran endemic plants (planted bi the local fowk kent as Menapo). The seiven temple compounds are the Gumpung, Tinggi I, Tinggi II, Kembar Batu, Astano, Gedong I an Gedong II, an the Kedaton Temple. In addition tae that conservation treatment, several o the auncient canals an the auld ponds that war previously covered wi watter vegetation hae been cleared an are nou restored tae normal, sic as the auncient canals in Jambi River an the Telago Rajo Pond. Based on archaeology research an historical soorces, the Muarajambi Temple Compound Site wis ance the centre for worship an eddication o the Buddhist religion in the period o the Auncient Malay Kinrick in the 7t–14t centuries AD. 5465[24]
Prehistoric Cave Steids in Maros-Pangkep Prehistoric Cave Sites in Maros-Pangkep. Maros Regency, South Sulawesi
4°42′49″S 119°34′17″E / 4.71361°S 119.57139°E / -4.71361; 119.57139 (Prehistoric Cave Sites in Maros-Pangkep)
21,631 ha forest aurie, 43,750 ha the Karst Maros-Pangkep aurie 2009 In general, the karst landscape is hilly an haes mountainous terrains. The mountainous aurie is situated in the north east or locatit in the Bulusaraung Mountains. The heichest peak o the moontain is 1,565 m abuin sea level in the northren side of Bulusaraung Moontain. This side o the moontain haes a steep slope wi rough texture. The climate in the Maros Pangkep aurie is tropical wi the dry saidon atween the months of November tae Apryle meanwhile the rainy saison runs frae May tae October. The temperature ranges frae 210–310 °C or on average 26.40 °C, wi fluctuating humidity. The aurie o the Pangkep conservation forest covers aroond ± 21.631 hectares frae the tot forest aurie of 32.503 hectares. Most o the conservation forest is within the karst aurie that is pairt o the National Pairk of Bantimurung an Bulusaraung (Babul). 5467[25]
Raja Ampat Islands Raja Ampat Islands. Wast Papua province
0°30′0″N 124°30′0″E / 0.50000°N 124.50000°E / 0.50000; 124.50000 (Raja Ampat Islands)
(vii), (x)
4.6 million ha 2005 The Raja Ampat Islands, situatit near the Northwast coast of Papua, conseests of aboot 1,500 islands, includin several lairge, mountainous islands, the lairgest bein Waigeo, Batanta, Salawati an Misool. The laund an surroondin sea occupy approximately 46,000 sq km or aboot 4.6 million ha. The islands are locatit in a region on the wastren boarder o the equatorial Pacific Ocean an at the Northeastren ‘entrance’ o the Indonesian Throughflow frae the Pacific tae the Indian Ocean. The vast majority o the archipelago rests on the Sahul shelf. The wide distribution of smaw islands across the shelf edge creates a strong gradient frae clear watter, open oceanic conditions tae sheltered an turbid bays, surroondit bi karst limestone formations. 2003[26]
Sangkulirang - Mangkahilat Karts: Prehistoric rock airt aurie East Kalimantan
1°09′39.12″N 117°09′32.62″E / 1.1608667°N 117.1590611°E / 1.1608667; 117.1590611 (Sangkulirang - Mangkahilat Karts: Prehistoric rock art area)
- 2015 The property is situated in the middle-eastren pairt of East Kalimantan Province, at Sangkulirang-Mangkalihat Peninsula. It contains thousands of reid rock-airt pentins, an some sites wi engraving locatit at 35 sites in seiven different karst moontain auries at the heid o the Sangkulirang-Mangkalihat Peninsula (Merabu, Batu Raya, Batu Gergaji, Batu Nyere, Batu Tutunambo, Batu Pengadan an Batu Tabalar). 6009[27]
Semarang Auld Toun Semarang Auld Town. Semarang, Central Java
6°58′06″S 110°25′40″E / 6.96833°S 110.42778°E / -6.96833; 110.42778 (Semarang Old Town)
- 2015 Semarang is a colonial ceety par excellence. Established in 17t century, Kota Lama Semarang is a best preserved colonial ceety wi remarkable testimony of important historical phases of human civilization – in economic, poleetical an social – in the South East Asia an the Warld. Awtho it is the day a sprawlin metropolis of 1.2 million indwallers, its auld centre retains a group of buildings wi various airchitectural styles coming frae medieval, baroque an modren style. Its unique urban landscape shows a development o a fortified ceety which is growin intae an internaitional an cosmopolitan port ceety in its age. Therefore it is worth preserving Kota Lama Semarang, especially frae the day’s thread: extensive flooding an land subsidence. 6011[28]
Taka Bonerate Naitional Pairk Selayar Regency, Sooth Sulawesi
6°16′0″S 120°54′0″E / 6.26667°S 120.90000°E / -6.26667; 120.90000 (Taka Bonerate National Park)
(vii), (viii), (ix), (x)
530,765 ha 2005 The Bonerate National Pairk is home tae the third biggest atoll in the warld efter Kwajifein in the Marshall Isles an Suvadiva in the Moldiva Isles. The tot aurie o the atoll is aboot 220,000 hectares wi coral reefs spreading ower 500 sq km. The national pairk includes an aurie of 530,765 ha. Taka Bonerate is a Bugis’ name that somewhat haes a meanin coral piled up on sand. Thare are 15 islands in Taka Bonerate National Pairk whaur visitors can enjoy diving, snorkelling an marine tours. 2005[29]
Tana Toraja Tradeetional Settlement Tana Toraja Tradeetional Settlement. Tana Toraja Regency, Sooth Sulawesi
2°36′0″S 119°22′0″E / 2.60000°S 119.36667°E / -2.60000; 119.36667 (Tana Toraja Traditional Settlement)
(iv), (v), (vi)
3,205 km2 2009 Tana Toraja Traditional Settlement is a series of 10 traditional settlements or constituents of them, sic as burial or ceremonial grunds. The properties are scattered within Tana Toraja Regency in the Province of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Tana-Toraja occupies aboot 3.205 sq km o a relatively hilly terrain wi plateaus rising frae 300 tae 2,800 meters abuin sea level. The nominated Tana Toraja Traditional Settlement conseests o 10 sites which are dispersed in the Tana Toraja Regency (see pairt I). Tradeetionally, a Toraja dounset consists o a compound of houses (tongkonan) an granaries (alangs), burials (liang), ceremonial grunds wi menhirs (rante), rice-fields, bamboo forests, an grazing grund or pastur for buffalo an pigs. Houiver, nae aw the nominated sites possess aw the dounset components, on accoont of developmental changes in each site. A brief description o the nominated sites is providit in pairt I Identification o the Property. The follaein descriptions present some complementary information aboot each site. 5462[30]
The Historic an Marine Laundscape o the Banda Islands The island of Run wis ance traded for Manhattan it wis a valuable soorce of spice. Central Maluku Regency, Maluku
40°28′0″S 129°39′0″E / 40.46667°S 129.65000°E / -40.46667; 129.65000 (Banda Island)
(iv), (vi), (x)
2015 The Banda Islands are kent unner the name 'Spice Islands’ forby, as this island group wis the oreeginal an sole location o the production o the spices nutmeg an mace during the maist prosperous years of Dutch, Inglis an Portuguese colonization. The Banda Islands are situated in the eastren pairt o the Indo-Malayan archipelago. It conseests o eleven smaw volcanic islands, cried Neira, Gunung Api, Banda Besar, Rhun, Ai, Hatta, Syahrir, Karaka, Manukan, Nailaka an Batu Kapal, wi an approximate land aurie of 8,150 hectares in tot. Thir islands war the scene o the earliest European ventures in Asia. In order tae obtain a monopoly on the production an tred of nutmeg, the Dutch biggit a comprehensive nutmeg plantation seestem on the islands during the 17t century. It included the nutmeg plantations for spice production, several forts for the defence o the spices, an a colonial toun for trading an governance. This seestem lasted until Indonesia’s unthirldom in 1945, houiver, thir first commercial plantations remain the basis of the day’s modren internaitional trading seestem of nutmeg produce. The Dutch war nae the anly occupants of this region, houiver. The Breetish skillfully negotiated wi the veelage leaders on the island Rhun tae pertect them frae the Dutch in exchange for a monopoly on thair nutmeg. The veelage leader of Rhun acceptit King James I of England as thair sovereign, an it became the first overseas Inglis colony. Control o the Banda Islands continued tae be contested until 1667 when, in the treaty of Breda, the Breetish ceded Rhun tae the Dutch in exchange for the island of Manhattan (later New York City). 6065[31]
The Auld Toun o Jakarta (Formerly auld Batavia) an 4 Ootlyin Islands (Onrust, Kelor, Cipir dan Bidadari) Auld Toun of Jakarta. Jakarta
6°08′05″S 106°48′48″E / 6.13472°S 106.81333°E / -6.13472; 106.81333 (The Old Town of Jakarta (Formerly old Batavia) and 4 Outlying Islands (Onrust, Kelor, Cipir dan Bidadari))
- 2015 Located at the mooth o the Ciliwung River in Java, the Old Town of Jakarta wis established bi the VOC in 1619. Its 17t-century toun plan wis completit in 1650. In 17t an 18t century VOC haed lairgest volume of tred in the warld, governed frae Batavia. No colonial toun biggit bi VOC matched the grandeur an completeness (military, civil engineering, an urban elements) of Dutch toun planning & airchitectur of Batavia. The nominated property: the 1650 toun (1.5 km x 1 km) wi 4 major auries on the Ciliwung River sides. West side: umwhile Jayakarta an twa 18t century houses. Northwest side: West Warehouse, auld toun wall remains, Floating Warehouse, VOC shipyard, Luar Batang Mosque. East side: East Warehouse, Town Square, Town Hall. South east side: Cheenae Town. Kalibesar Canal wi traditional boats wharf. Islands: Onrust, Kelor, Cipir & Bidadari wi shipyard an forts. 6010[32]
Tradeetional Settlement at Nagari Sijunjung Rumah Gadang at Sijunjung. Sijunjung Regency, West Sumatra
0°42′49″S 100°59′28″E / 0.71361°S 100.99111°E / -0.71361; 100.99111 (Traditional Settlement at Nagari Sijunjung)
- 2015 Tradeetional Settlement at Nagari Sijunjung (Perkampungan Adat Nagari Sijunjung) locatit at twa villages, Jorong Koto Padang an Tanah Bato, of Sijunjung regency of West Sumatra. The main setting of dounset is in a linier poseetion lies atween twa lairge rivers, namely Batang Sukam an Batang Kulampi. The compound of traditional houses is surroondit bi hills, forest, paddy fields, an plantation. Thare are 76 houses in this aurie inhabited bi nine clans an thair subordinate clans. The traditional houses seembolise matrilineal-based clans in Nagari, customary veelage of Minangkabau. It conseests o paddy fields an plantation, graveyards, mosques an madrasah-Islamic schuil, mercat, an balai adat (customs hall). 6059[33]
Trowulan - Umwhile Caipital Ceety o Majapahit Kinrick Trowulan - Former Capital City of Majapahit Kinrick. Mojokerto Regency, East Java
7°30′0″S 112°18′0″E / 7.50000°S 112.30000°E / -7.50000; 112.30000 (Trowulan - Former Capital City of Majapahit Kingdom)
(i), (v)
99 km2 2009 The Trowulan steid is the anly ceety steid o the Hindu-Budha classical age in Indonesia that can still be foond. The site covers an aurie of 11 km x 9 km, which includes the Districts of Trowulan an Sooko within the Regency of Mojokerto an the Districts of Mojoagung an Mojowarno unner the Jombang Regency. The site o the umwhile caipital ceety o the Majapahit Kinrick wis biggit on flat terrains at the fit of three mountains, namely the Penanggungan, Welirang, an Anjasmara Moontain. Geographically, the Trowulan aurie wis suitable for human dounset syne it wis supported bi plane topography wi relatively shallow grund watter. Hunders of thousands of archaeological remnants o the auld ceety in the Trowulan Site war foond buried underground as well as on the surface in the form of: artifacts, eco-facts, an features. 5466[34]
Wakatobi National Pairk Wakatobi National Pairk. Buton Regency, Sootheast Sulawesi
5°12′0″S 123°20′0″E / 5.20000°S 123.33333°E / -5.20000; 123.33333 (Wakatobi National Park)
(vii), (viii), (ix), (x)
1,390,000 ha 2005 Wakatobi National Pairk haes very heich marine resoorce potential, in terms of baith species an uniqueness, wi enchanting submarine landscapes. In terms of configuration, the marine waters o the pairk generally stairt flat an then slope seawards, wi sheer precipices in some pairts. The watter depth varies, the deepest pairts reachin 1,044 metres wi sand an coral at the bottom. This pairk haes 25 chains of coral reefs, an the tot circumference o the coral islands is 600 km. The National Pairk includes an aurie of 1,390,000 hectares. 2006[35]

Performance o Indonesie in UNESCO

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UNESCO List Exclusive Entries of Indonesia Shared/Multinaitional Entries Involvin Indonesie
UNESCO Warld Network o Biosphere Reserves 16
UNESCO Warld Heritage Leet 9
UNESCO Memory o the Warld Register 3 5
UNESCO Global Geopairks Network 4
UNESCO Creautive Ceeties Network 2
UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Leets 10

Proponed Steids in the Tentative Leet

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The follaein steid(s) hae been proponed bi some scholars for inclusion in the tentative leet:

  1. a b "Warld Heritage Properties in Indonesia". UNESCO. Retrieved 10 Julie 2019.
  2. "Composition of macro geographical (continental) regions, geographical sub-regions, and selected economic and other groupings". Geografical region an composeetion o each region. Unitit Naitions Statistics Diveesion. 2010. Retrieved 20 October 2011.
  3. a b "The Criteria for Selection". UNESCO. Retrieved 10 September 2011.
  4. "Ombilin coal mine makes it into UNESCO Warld Heritage list". antaranews.com. 8 Julie 2019.
  5. "Warld Heritage List Nominations". UNESCO. Retrieved 28 Mey 2010.
  6. "Borobudur Temple Compounds". UNESCO. Retrieved 28 Mey 2010.
  7. "Cultural Landscape of Bali Province". UNESCO. Retrieved 1 Julie 2012.
  8. "Komodo National Park". UNESCO. Retrieved 28 Mey 2010.
  9. "Lorentz National Park". UNESCO. Retrieved 28 Mey 2010.
  10. "Prambanan Temple Compounds". UNESCO. Retrieved 28 Mey 2010.
  11. "Ombilin Coal Mining Heritage of Sawahlunto". UNESCO. Retrieved 8 August 2019.
  12. "Sangiran Early Man Site". UNESCO. Retrieved 28 Mey 2010.
  13. "Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra". UNESCO. Retrieved 25 Juin 2011.
  14. "Danger listing for Indonesia's Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra". UNESCO. Retrieved 26 Julie 2011.
  15. "Ujung Kulon National Park". UNESCO. Retrieved 28 Mey 2010.
  16. "Tentative Lists: Indonesia". UNESCO. Retrieved 8 Apryle 2012.
  17. "Bawomataluo Site". UNESCO. Retrieved 8 Apryle 2012.
  18. "Betung Kerihun National Park". UNESCO. Retrieved 8 Apryle 2012.
  19. "Bunaken National Park". UNESCO. Retrieved 8 Apryle 2012.
  20. "Derawan Islands". UNESCO. Retrieved 8 Apryle 2012.
  21. "Historical City Centre of Yogyakarta". UNESCO. Retrieved 18 Apryle 2018.
  22. "Kebun Raya Bogor". UNESCO. Retrieved 22 Julie 2018.
  23. "Muara Takus Compound Site". UNESCO. Retrieved 8 Apryle 2012.
  24. "Muarajambi Temple Compound". UNESCO. Retrieved 11 Apryle 2020.
  25. "Prehistoric Cave Sites in Maros-Pangkep". UNESCO. Retrieved 8 Apryle 2012.
  26. "Raja Ampat Islands". UNESCO. Retrieved 8 Apryle 2012.
  27. "Sangkulirang - Mangkahilat Karts: Prehistoric rock art area". UNESCO. Retrieved 12 August 2015.
  28. "Semarang Old Town". UNESCO. Retrieved 12 August 2015.
  29. "Taka Bonerate National Park". UNESCO. Retrieved 8 Apryle 2012.
  30. "Tana Toraja Traditional Settlement". UNESCO. Retrieved 8 Apryle 2012.
  31. "Banda Islands". UNESCO. Retrieved 12 August 2015.
  32. "The Old Town of Jakarta (Formerly old Batavia) and 4 Outlying Islands (Onrust, Kelor, Cipir dan Bidadari)". UNESCO. Retrieved 12 August 2015.
  33. "Traditional Settlement at Nagari Sijunjung". UNESCO. Retrieved 12 August 2015.
  34. "Trowulan - Former Capital City of Majapahit Kingdom". UNESCO. Retrieved 8 Apryle 2012.
  35. "Wakatobi National Park". UNESCO. Retrieved 8 Apryle 2012.
  36. https://merahputih.com/post/read/situs-gunung-padang-diusulkan-masuk-warisan-dunia-unesco
  37. https://travel.tempo.co/read/1245681/arkeologi-lore-lindu-yang-melimpah-diusulkan-jadi-warisan-dunia
  38. https://www.goriau.com/berita/baca/kawasan-kesultanan-siak-sri-indrapura-diusulkan-ke-unesco-sebagai-warisan-dunia.html
  39. https://www.thejakartapost.com/life/2019/09/21/indonesia-to-propose-spice-trail-for-unesco-world-heritage-list.html


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