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Kemnay (Scots Gaelic: Ceann a' Mhuigh) is a smaa toon 16 mile (26 km) wast o Aiberdeen in Scotland.

The name Kemnay is thocht tae come fae caman meanin crookit, referrin tae its poseition in the crook o the River Don.[1] Kemnay Hoose is ae Grade A listit biggin.[2]

Coordinates: 57°14′02″N 2°26′56″W / 57.23392°N 2.44890°W / 57.23392; -2.44890


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  1. Milne, John (1912). Celtic place-names in Aberdeenshire : with a vocabulary of Gaelic words not in dictionaries ; the meaning and etymology of the Gaelic names of places in Aberdeenshire ; written for the Committee of the Carnegie Trust. Aberdeen : Aberdeen Daily Journal.
  2. "KEMNAY HOUSE (LB9212)". portal.historicenvironment.scot. Archived frae the original on 9 September 2018. Retrieved 22 Januar 2024.