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Izumi Kobayashi

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Izumi Kobayashi (小林泉美) is a Japanese perfaisional Go player at Nihon Ki-in since 1995.[1][2] She is known for holdin many female titles in the 2000s.

Notable faimily members

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Izumi Kobayashi has several players in her faimily.[1][2]


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Title Years Held
Current 9
Japan Weemen's Honinbo (女流本因坊) 2001–2003
Japan Weemen's Meijin (Weemen's Grand Master, 女流名人) 2001, 2003, 2004
Japan Weemen's Kisei (Weemen's Board Master, 女流棋聖) 1998, 1999
Japan Weemen's Champion (女流最強位) 2005
Year Notes[1][2]
1998, 2001-2003 Receivit the female player MVP (棋道賞女流賞)
2001-2003, 2005 1st place in the female player prize money rankin.
2001 Obtainit 200 career wins (Youngest an fastest female player tae obtain this status)
2003 Qualifiit tae the main tournament o the 10 dan title (6t female player tae obtain this status)
2004 Receivit the Jurnalist Club Award with her husband. She wis also qualifiit tae the main tournament o the 10 dan title.
2005 She became the first player tae obtain all major female titles. She also obtainit 300 career wins in this year (Youngest an fastest female player tae obtain this status).
2007 Victory at the Daiwa Securities Internet Go Ladies.

Japanese beuks

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She has wrote introductory Go beuks.

  • 「小林泉美のやさしい基礎」
  • 「小林泉美のやさしい19路盤の打ち方」(How to simply play in a 1919 board)


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