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Google Fiber

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Google Fiber
Teep o steid
Diveesion o Alphabet
Area servedAtlanta, Austin, Kansas City, Nashville, Provo
IndustryMultiple-system operator
ProductsBraidbaund Internet
Cable televeesion
VoIP telephone
Slogan(s)"A different kind of Internet and TV"
LaunchedFebruar 10, 2010; 15 years ago (2010-02-10)
Current statusActive
Google Fiber Cairt
Google Fiber Cairt

Google Fiber is Alphabet Inc.'s fiber-tae-the-premises service in the Unitit States, providin Braidbaund Internet an cable televeesion tae a smaa an slowly increasin nummer o locations.[1] As o end o 2014, Google Fiber haed 29,867 telly subscribers.[2] As o Oct 2015, up tae 120,000 customers hae been estimatit.[3]


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  1. Helft, Miguel (21 Mairch 2010). "Hoping for Gift From Google? Go Jump in the Lake". The New York Times.
  2. Moritz, Scott (17 Mairch 2015). "Google Fiber Ended 2014 With 29,867 TV Subs: Report - MultiChannel News". Bloomberg.com. Retrieved 4 Juin 2015.
  3. Moritz, Scott (17 October 2015). "Study: Market 'Too Dismissive' of Google Fiber". MultichannelNews.com. Retrieved 4 Juin 2015.