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Deanna Milligan

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Deanna Milligan
Vancouver, Breetish Columbie, Canadae
Hauf-marrae(s)Jason Gaffney

Deanna Milligan (born 1972 in Vancouver) is a Canadian actress. She haes appeared in numerous Canadian an U.S. films an telly shows. She haed a major role playin Dave Thomas' dochter in the The Beachcombers made for TV movies: The New Beachcombers an A Beachcombers Christmas. She wis the meestery wumman in the Canadian independent short film Shoes Off!. She costarred in the A&E TV movie Karoll's Christmas playin the girlfriend tae Tom Everett Scott an aw. Milligan played the assistant tae Santa Claus in the film Must Be Santa an aw.

She wis a regular on twa short livit telly shows: Northwood, whaur she played the troubled teen Jennifer, an Big Sound, whaur she played the bubbly assistant Jesse Polt tae Greg Evigan. She haes guest starred on shows such as The X-Files, Chris Carter's Millennium, Danger Bay, Neon Rider, 21 Jump Street, The Outer Limits, Sliders, Highlander: The Series, Da Vinci's Inquest, an Corner Gas.

She is marriet tae actor Jason Gaffney an haes twa dochters. She currently runs a clothin line, Cherry Blossom, wi actress Stacy Grant.

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