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Collogue:Maureen Watt

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New CSP that teuk her Aith o Allegiance in Doric

Is the Scots Scots or something that some ower enthusiastic anglophone body cleckit?

Depone for ordinar means tae testifee as in gien evidence afore a coort or siclike. The ordinar Scots here wad be sweir. Faithfu is the Scots for faithful tho leal (loyal) daes hae seemilar meanin. Is full alleadgance the selsame thing as true allegiance (that's guid Scots an aw)? Her Maijesty wadna hear ony differ atween the soondin o airs or heirs tho that micht coud be her airse seein that it comes aifter her. The relatative pronoon bein (th)at in Doric an no fa, a calque on English who. Anent the law disna mean according to law gin it means ocht ava. I s' no mention the want o the northren subject rule. Shuirly the Scots wad be: I dae sweir that I will be faithfu and bear true allegiance tae Her Maijesty Queen Elizabeth, her heirs and successors, accordin tae law. Sae help me God. Whit is aiblins hou mony MSPs said it ony wey;-) 15:27, 21 Apryle 2006 (UTC)[replie]

Mibbie a wee bit o a reality check aboot the NE that her "Doric" is juist English wi an Aberdeen accent plus a wee bit o "dictionar howkin", no? Whit kin o fowk wad uise a perjorative for thair ain mither tung oniewyes? Central belt folk widnae dae that even tho the hail "Attic" vs. "Doric" thing stairtit oot in Embro. Whan Billy Kay wes daein his Mither Tung series for the BBC he wantit to hae a scene wi wee bairns playin at the schuil speakin wi auld Scots grammer that panloaf fowk aye sais is juist slang an bad English. He went up tae the NE neuk thinkin that wad be his best bet but he juist coodnae dae it richt acos o the effect o aw the incomers fae the ile boom. He endit up daein the scene wi some wee lassies fae an Ayrshire cooncil scheme insteid but oh aye us central belt fowk dinnae ken onything aboot Scots an auld Scots wirds like bap. ;-) Benarty 13:46, 27 Apryle 2006 (UTC)[replie]
A didna think it'd be lang afore ye came alang tae comment aboot this ;-) The video clip o Reporting Scotland at [1] (that nou seems tae hae been taen doun unfortunately) haed a reporter straivigin aboot Aiberdeen speirin at fowk gin thay cuid unnerstaund the aith. Some cuid an some cuidna. The debate thay war haein seemed tae mair be whither it was Doric (as opposed tae "Lallans" etc.) raither nor whither it made sense or no. Thay interviewed Watt hersel, an she seemed kin o anglophone tho that micht juist be hou she cam across tae the televeesion cameras. She sayed that she'd got the translate frae some Doric leeteratur hie heid ane but A canna mynd wha it wis nou, an the BBC's went an taen the video clip doun nou sae A canna check it.
A thocht it wisna awfu guid Scots whan A saw it, sae that's the wey A wis shuir tae cite the BBC for whit she actually sayed. Gin ye want tae pynt oot the failins o her version o the aith, on ye go, but mynd the NPOV. Mendor 16:18, 21 Apryle 2006 (UTC)[replie]
A wes oot chappin on doors for her in a cooncil by-election in Torry in the 80s an A dinnae think she's that Scots spoken. Benarty 12:55, 26 Apryle 2006 (UTC)[replie]

Guid for her, onieroad. Mebbe the Scots wisnae aw that it micht hae bin but it wis grand tae see it bein uised at onie rate. Wi onie luck the neist chiel tae tak the aith in Scots will leuk up Wikipedia for the richt words aforehaund, <grin>. -- Derek Ross 04:57, 22 Apryle 2006 (UTC)[replie]