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Civic Committee of the Solidarity with Ukraine

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Civic Committey o the Solidarity wi Ukraine
Komitet Obywatelski Solidarności z Ukrainą
Founded2014; 11 years ago (2014)
Foondit atWarsaw, Poland
LeaderKrzysztof Stanowski

Civic Committey o the Solidarity wi Ukraine (Pols: Komitet Obywatelski Solidarności z Ukrainą or KOSzU) – is a Polish organisation foonded on the principles o supportin pro-democratic chynges in Ukraine. The group wis established at the beginnin ae the Revolution of Dignity (Revolution of Euromaidan) in early 2014.


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The mission, as declared in the Foonding Declaration, is the support ae pro-democratic changes in Ukraine. While awso providin support fur the people and organisations that are oppressed fur their political beliefs.[1][2]

Anothur aim includes swingin o the public opinion in Poland and awso abroad, tae build a solidarity wae Ukraine. There is awso a money collection fur the Fund o Solidarity wi Ukraine. Although this is maistly support an promotion o various awready existin non-govrenmental initiatives, that are active an experienced in this thematic area.

The Civic Committee awso supports initiatives that are designed tae aid and hawd up support fir the Ukrainian civilians in dire need. The Civic Committee has awso stood firm that they will alwais support organisations an initiatives that are involved in activities fir pro-democratic chynges in Ukraine.

The Civic Committee will engage in conversation an cooperate between the different regions in Poland an Ukraine. Eventually their aim is tae gain cooperation o local administration oan aw levels.

A final mission o the Civic Committee is tae inform the media an public aboot the true sitiation in Ukraine and tae debunk rumours an false speculation that they believe isnae true.

The Committee (KOSzU) wis founded on 30 January 2014. This wis then annoonced in a press conference held oan 4 February 2014 in Warsaw.

The name o the committee, its structure and activities, are a reference tae the tradition o Solidarity Citizens' Committees o the late 1980s. Which declared that "people o various political stands and diverse nationalities worked thegither fir the creation o independent and self-govnerin Republic" (Rzeczpospolita). Accordin tae its foonding declaration, the Committee wants tae ensure that the citizens of Ukraine huv the same possibility o building an independent state an - acting by the rule o subsidiarity - maintain close connections an support wi them in their actions taewards this goal.

Simultaneously, fae its foundation, KOSzU huv declared the policy o political independence. An also, that it wilnae be attempting tae gain legal personality or own assets.


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Foonding memburs

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*Bogumiła Berdychowska

Supportin organizations

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Structure an activity

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The activities o the Committee are based oan social and voluntary work o its awn members, which are organised in working sections:

The information section, based oan the direct support o the territory of Ukraine - this section kin run public collections in order tae support the wounded, the repressed and their families.

The local govnerment section - which mediates and initiates the organisations o support fur Ukrainian protest movements by the local authorities in Poland, including those who huv signed sister cities agreements wi cities or regions within Ukraine.

The section o direct actions in Poland.

The legal section - providing support in publicising cases ae abuse, especially in cases o power oan Ukrainian citizens. This section awso conducts the publicity in Poland, oan cases of people who are discriminatit an attacked by Ukrainian authorities. The legal section awso prepares intervention letturs tae Ukrainian representatives, oan the fate o protesters oan whom unlawful investigations huv been requestit or grantit.


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  1. "Powstał Komitet Obywatelski Solidarności z Ukrainą (KOSzU)". radioszczecin.pl.
  2. Grajewski, ZŁOCI DARCZYŃCY; rzej; Asia, Hołdys; Tomasz, Horbowski; Wojciech, Jakóbik; Kostek; rzej; Paweł, Lickiewicz; Filip, Lachert. "Strona główna". Eastbook.eu.
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