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Charles Rennie Mackintosh

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Charles Rennie Mackintosh, c. 1900

Charles Rennie Mackintosh (born 7 Juin 1868 in Glesga; deed 10 December 1928 in Lunnon) wis a Scots airchitect, designer, watter colourist an airtist. Alang wi his wife, Margaret Macdonald Mackintosh, he wis influential in the Art Nouveau an Secessionism airt muivements, an his wirk is still celebratit tae this day. An exhibition wis held at Glesga's Kelvingrove Museum in 2018 tae mairk his 150t birthday.

Biggins designed bi Mackintosh

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Glesga's Willow Tearooms
  • 1893-95: Glesga Herald Biggin
  • 1895-96: Mairtyrs' Public Schuil
  • 1896-1900: Glesga Schuil o Airt (suffered twa fires - in 2014 an 2018)
  • 1898: Queen's Cross Kirk
  • 1901-04: Daily Record Biggin
  • 1903-04, 1917: Willow Tearooms
  • 1903-06: Scotland Street Schuil Museum o Education

Ootside Glesga

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  • 1900-01: Windy Hill, Kilmacolm
  • 1903: Hill Hoose (Helensburgh)
  • 1904-06: Auchenibert, Killearn


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  • 2018: Charles Rennie Mackintosh - Makkin the Glesga Style, held at Glesga's Kelvingrove Museum