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Province o Castellón

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(Reguidit frae Castellón (province))

Coat of airms o Castellón
Coat airms
Map o Spain wi Castellón heichlichtit
Map o Spain wi Castellón heichlichtit
Coordinates: 40°10′N 0°10′W / 40.167°N 0.167°W / 40.167; -0.167Coordinates: 40°10′N 0°10′W / 40.167°N 0.167°W / 40.167; -0.167
Autonomous commontyValencie Commonty
CaipitalCastelló de la Plana
 • PresesCarlos Fabra (Partido Popular)
 • Total6679 km2 (2,579 sq mi)
Area rankRankit 38th
 • Total602,301
 • RankRankit 28t
 • Density90/km2 (230/sq mi)
Offeecial leid(s)Valencie an Spainyie
PairlamentCortes Generales
WebsiteProvincial wabsteid
Towns with a population greater than 7,000 in the province of Castellón (according to 2005 census)

Castellón (Spaingie: [kasteˈʎon]) or Castelló (Valencian: [kasteˈʎo]) is a province in the northren pairt o the Valencie Commonty, Spain. It is bordered bi the provinces o Valencia tae the sooth, Teruel tae the wast, Tarragona tae the north, an bi the Mediterranean Sea tae the east. The wastren side o the province is in the muntainous Sistema Ibérico aurie.

Its caipital is Castelló de la Plana (Spaingie: Castellón de la Plana). The province haed a population o 501,237 in 2002, o whom 30% wur residin in the caipital, 60% in its metropolitan area, an 85% alang the coastline.

It is a bilingual territory, wi mony inhabitants speakin baith Spaingie an the local, co-offeecial leid o Valencie.

Ither major cities o the province include Vila-real, Borriana, La Vall d'Uixó an Vinaròs. There are 135 municipalities in Castellón; see Leet o municipalities in Castellón.


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The province is historically subdividit intae the follaein comarques: